Paper Summary

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Student Gestural Interaction Patterns Within an Embodied Science Simulation

Mon, April 8, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Room 802A


Technological advances in gesture recognition and mixed reality can track and respond to students' gestures in learning environments, which deserve further exploration of critical features that promote students' understanding of crosscutting concepts through an embodied interaction. This study thus examined students' gestural interactions using an embodied science simulation designed to promote reasoning about the concept of non-linear growth with respect to pH scale. Results showed students exhibit different interaction patterns in terms of time spent on gesturing and gesture development, which conclusively lead to different levels of transfer knowledge. This analytical approach demonstrates the preliminary findings of students' different gestural behaviors, which can be further investigated as key indicators of the quality of their perceptions and comprehension.
