Paper Summary

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Several Practical Issues of Comparative Efficacy of Interventions for Post-Traumatice Stress Disorder in Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis

Mon, April 8, 10:25 to 11:55am, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 800 Level, Hall G


The purpose of this study is to explore three practical issues in conducting meta-analysis for psychotherapeutic interventions of PTSD, which includes: (a) categorization of interventions for PTSD, (b) complexity of direct and indirect comparisons, and (c) moderator effects (e.g., subpopulation differences). Our study will make a contribution to the field of meta-analysis by offering a deeper understanding on indirect comparisons for researchers.
In addition, we will provide two demonstrations on analytical strategies for handling direct and indirect comparisons of many PTSD interventions via Bayesian network meta-analysis and on dealing with moderator effects using Bayesian mixed effects model. Although our discussions are set in the context of PTSD, the methods we presented here are applicable in different contexts and disciplines.
