Paper Summary

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What Really Happens in Gifted Education: A Portrait of Three States

Fri, April 5, 4:20 to 6:20pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 206D


The purpose of this study was to provide a snapshot of gifted education within three states. We examined district and school reports of policies and program practices including service delivery model choices, reassessment decisions, the existence of special activities for traditionally underserved students, and curriculum choices. The data presented in this report reflect the policies and practices for approximately 326 districts and 3,880 schools. Through our examination, one theme in particular emerged: there tends to be a lack of alignment between district selection criteria and various components of gifted services. In this presentation, we will explore this misalignment, discuss recommendations for schools and districts, as well as further examine the alignment between state, district, and school policies and practices.
