Session Summary

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51.072 - Black Female Teachers: Diversifying the U.S. Teacher Workforce

Sun, April 7, 3:40 to 5:10pm, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Floor: 200 Level, Room 206B

Session Type: Symposium


Amidst an increasingly diverse student population, extent literature affirms the existence of a Black teacher shortage in U.S. public schools (Author, 2017; Shipp, 2000; Taie & Goldring, 2017). Although there are over 3 million U.S. public school teachers, Black teachers comprise approximately 8 percent of the teacher workforce (NCES, 2010; NCES, 2013). Considering this trend, increased research on the experiences of Black teachers is needed. While the recruitment and retention of all teachers of Color is necessary, an examination of Black female teachers, who possess a historic presence in the education field, is timely and warranted.

This session is designed to bring together researchers who explore issues pertinent to the recruitment and retention of Black female teachers in education.

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