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Session Type: Symposium
Principals are critical to improving student achievement and narrowing persistent achievement gaps (Grissom et al., 2015; Leithwood et al., 2004). Despite the opportunities to develop and support principals under the Every Student Succeeds Act, investing in principals is one of the most overlooked courses of action for raising student achievement. This symposium brings together findings from three research projects that expand the understanding of high-quality principal learning with practitioners’ experiences providing strong principal development programs. The symposium will identify the policies, practices, and norms that support principal development programs that are associated with positive school outcomes and explore principals’ access to high-quality preparation and development experiences.
The Building Blocks of Effective Principal Learning Programs - Daniel Espinoza, Learning Policy Institute; Leib Sutcher, Learning Policy Institute; Anne Podolsky, Learning Policy Institute
What Does It Mean to Lead for Deeper Learning? Lessons From Principal Development Programs - Marjorie E. Wechsler, Learning Policy Institute; Madelyn Gardner, Learning Policy Institute; Julie Adams, Learning Policy Institute; Desiree Carver-Thomas, Learning Policy Institute; Channa Mae Cook-Harvey, Learning Policy Institute; Daniel Espinoza, Learning Policy Institute; Maria E. Hyler, Learning Policy Institute
Innovative Strategies to Enhance Leadership Preparation for Deeper Learning - Rebecca Cheung, University of California - Berkeley
Principals' Voices: Leaders' Views of Their Preparation and Development - Anne Podolsky, Learning Policy Institute; Tara Elizabeth Kini, Learning Policy Institute; Patrick M. Shields, Learning Policy Institute; Leib Sutcher, Learning Policy Institute