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Session Type: Symposium
In this era of “post-truth,” many believe we are also “post-racial,” that racial inequities exist as a result of individuals’ lack of effort, and not the result of persistent, systemic institutional and societal racism. Given the persistent racial opportunity and achievement gaps in US schooling, strong, informed, and transformative leadership at the district level is vital for improving racial equity outcomes. The session highlights strategies for collaborative cross-sector work to create the environments needed to support the learning of all students. Session participants represent a unique intersection of research, practice, and philanthropy that emphasizes the collaborative strength needed to support the democratization of evidence to enact system-level change.
Leading Equity in Complex Systems - Victor Carey, National Equity Project
District Levers for Advancing Racial Equity - Maria E. Hyler, Learning Policy Institute; Marjorie E. Wechsler, Learning Policy Institute; Larkin Willis, Learning Policy Institute; Desiree Carver-Thomas, Learning Policy Institute
Leading for Racial Equity - Kenita T. Williams, Southern Education Foundation, Inc.
Improving Outcomes for Traditionally Marginalized Students: The Role of Professional Development Networks - Ebony Green, Newburgh Enlarged City School District