Paper Summary

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Affective Bodies: Scrapbooks, Health, and Fitness in an Urban After-School Program

Fri, April 17, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Virtual Room


Previous research has shown that youth interact with and learn about health, fitness and their bodies from multiple sites. As such, the purpose of this paper is to investigate such interactions and the ‘affects’ produced from a nine-week health and fitness scrapbooking project in an urban after-school program. To do so, this paper uses affect theory to explore the affective flows, or movements, among Black and Latinx youth within the scrapbooking process. The paper briefly explicates two affective flows to demonstrate how affects augment and/or limit potential for change in health and fitness. It is suggested that, by considering all bodies in this research, young people’s interactions with health and fitness can be explored in different ways.
