Session Summary

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Gentrification, Displacement, and Student Resistance in the San Francisco Bay Area

Sun, April 19, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


How can young people and city leaders collectively tackle today’s historic levels of gentrification and displacement to thrive together in an uncertain future? Although traditionally researched, planned, and operated separately, the future of our cities and schools are inextricably linked, and this connection is especially salient today in the San Francisco Bay Area. This panel will explore the power of young people to resist the dismantling of their schools, communities, and social networks through engagement in Y-PLAN (Youth - Plan, Learn, Act, Now!) action research initiatives in Oakland and Silicon Valley. Students have been working as participants in an intergenerational community of practice with city planners and technology leaders to collect and analyze community data and generate solutions to stabilize their communities, together.

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