Paper Summary

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Teacher Educators' Professional Trajectories: Evidence From Ireland, Israel, Norway, and the Netherlands

Sun, April 19, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room


The study describes higher education-based teacher educators’ professional trajectories. Semi-structured interviews were held with 41 participants from Ireland, Israel, Norway and the Netherlands. Findings show that the participants were recruited mainly from schools and universities. As novices, they received some support, but no formal induction. Research and teaching are the main areas for on-the-job learning. Most of them have positive attitudes towards research, are active researchers and contribute to teaching across multiple areas. However, they think their institutes are not appreciative enough of teaching. Institutes do not prioritize practice-oriented research, nor do they align their policies with research findings. Attitudes aligned with social coherent idealism are present among participants, yet they are predominantly responsive to institutes’ perceived individualistic-pragmatic expectations.
