Paper Summary

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Talent Development in Achievement Domains: A Psychological Framework for Within and Cross-Domain Research

Fri, April 17, 12:00 to 1:30pm, Virtual Room


We introduce a domain-general framework for the study of high achievement and its development. The talent development in achievement domains (TAD) framework (a) can be used for constructing domain-specific talent development models, (b) focuses on measurable psychological constructs and their predictive validity at different levels of talent development, and (c) it guides empirical research within and across domains. With the TAD framework, we aim to provide a framework that facilitates the synthesis of research findings from different domains as well as the identification of research gaps, and that facilitates an integrative discussion of how to model talent development in different domains. We provide examples for the application of the TAD framework to the domains of mathematics, music, and visual art.
