Paper Summary

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Refugee Education: The Power and Possibilities When International Scholars and Stakeholders Collaborate

Tue, April 21, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Virtual Room


There are now 12,500,000 displaced children across the world (UNHCR, 2019). We argue that this situation requires a coordinated solution between countries and provides an opportunity for scholars to identify what is working, and what can be learned from one another. In this paper, two international educators share ideas from their respective research which has led to critical debate, adaptation, and implementation in other countries. In Canada, a project reveals the mutual benefit of schools collaborating with community stakeholders; in England, research has directly informed bespoke education provision for unaccompanied and refugee youth with possible roll out nationally and beyond. Not only do findings positively affect refugees, they widely impact society in a manner which creates the possibility for transformation.
