Paper Summary

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Shifting the Linguistic Landscape: Monoglossia to Heteroglossia in Officially Monolingual High School Settings

Tue, April 21, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room


There is a need to develop bilingual instruction at the secondary level, specifically among low-incidence languages. Therefore, through a framework of heteroglossia and linguistic landscapes, researchers implemented yearlong language awareness professional development in two high schools. Using critical discourse analysis of participants’ online discussions and coursework, researchers identified evidence of (emergent) heteroglossic ideologies and implementations in their classroom and schools. Although educators who were bi/multilingual and/or worked closely with emergent bilingual students evidenced stronger heteroglossic ideology and implementation, findings illustrate that a collective effort of diverse teachers and school leadership can alter schools’ linguistic landscapes through language awareness education. This research provides examples of how educators made concrete changes in their curriculum, instructional practices, and school policies to support heteroglossia.
