Paper Summary

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The Ethics of Entanglement: Using a Phenomenology of the Material to Study School Bathrooms

Mon, April 20, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Virtual Room


In this work, I attempt to theorize students’ experiences with school bathrooms within the framework of Barad’s onto-epistemology. Thinking with Barad, I see the school bathrooms at my study site as part of an intra-active phenomenon. Entangled within this phenomenon are human and non-human agents, the material world, and discursive and socio-cultural structures (Barad, 2003; Taylor, 2013).
Research using a phenomenology of the material acknowledges that when we reach into the phenomena it reaches back – the configuration we find is determined by the apparatus we construct to observe it. This momentary fixing of the intra-active phenomenon is not “discovering” something that was uncertain, it is defining something that was indeterminate.
