Paper Summary

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How Self-Reported Metacognition, Calibration Indices, and Self-Efficacy Relate and Moderate

Sat, April 18, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Virtual Room


Metacognition is integral to self-regulated learning and is positively associated with academic performance, self-efficacy, and other constructs. Research about relations among measures of metacognition and self-efficacy has mostly been conducted with secondary and post-secondary learners. This study investigated how self-reported metacognitive awareness, self-efficacy, and calibration indices relate in fifth-grade learners reading a science text. Findings indicated self-reported metacognitive awareness correlated moderately with self-efficacy, weakly with bias, and not with accuracy. Self-efficacy was weakly correlated with bias, but not accuracy; while accuracy and bias were strongly correlated, as expected. Moderation analysis further determined a lack of independence in metacognition and self-efficacy captured by calibration indices. These findings reinforce the importance of using multiple measures of metacognition.
