Paper Summary

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Favelas, Futebol, and Brasilidade: Confronting Stereotypes and Misconceptions About Brazil in Video Games

Tue, April 21, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


This paper analyzes Brazil’s limited representation in video games, from the exoticized Amazon to the famous shantytowns, the favelas. Portrayals of the favelas turn them into shooting galleries, built on stereotypes of lawlessness and militarism. Brazilian video game characters are built on signifiers of Brasilidade, or “Brazilian-ness,” including the hypersexualization of women and futebol (i.e. soccer) fanatic men. Amazonian characters are portrayed as exotic monsters. This chapter explores these stereotypes and misrepresentations, highlighting recent positive developments in Brazilian video game development that confront these tropes, presenting a richer, more diverse view of Brasilidade. Recommendations will be given for how to challenge these stereotypes and move toward more critical practices that unpack the role of global cultural representation in video gaming.
