Paper Summary

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Pedagogical and Leadership Practices. Seeing Color: Restorying Contexts and Components of Impactful Teachers of Color

Sun, April 19, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room


We know that ethnic-matching works. This chapter rests upon research that supports a three-part premise which acknowledges that teachers of color are necessary, beneficial, and unique beyond their racial status. Developing a seeing color framework, I examine the impact, challenges, and self-determination of teachers of color as they navigate complex educational environments. Integrating Afrocentric thought, Non-Western theoretic-linguistic knowledge, Critical Race Theory, and Culturally Responsive Practices, I examine the experiences and perceptions of seven teachers of color and five students of color to provide a counter-story of two teachers of color. The counter stories reflect the themes of quality connections, personalized insights, and challenging perceptions on students and teachers of color.
