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Session Type: Poster Session
Changes in Relations Between Math and Language Motivational Beliefs Over Time: A Meta-Analysis - Sirui Wan, University of California - Irvine; Drew Bailey, University of California - Irvine; Fani Lauermann, TU Dortmund University; Jacquelynne S. Eccles, University of California - Irvine
Cost's Relationship With Subjective Task Value Through Latent Variable Modeling Analyses - Joseph E Miller, The University of Texas; Katherine M. Muenks, University of Texas at Austin; Brendan A Schuetze, The University of Texas at Austin; Tiffany Ann Whittaker, The University of Texas at Austin
Exploring the Jangle Fallacy Between Emotional Cost and Negative Emotions - Patrick Neil Beymer, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Jennifer A. Schmidt, Michigan State University
Exploring the Longitudinal Development of Elementary and Middle School Writing Self-Efficacy - Sharon Zumbrunn, Virginia Commonwealth University; Michael Broda, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jennifer Darby, Chesterfield County Public Schools; Korinthia Danielle Danielle Nicolai, Virginia Commonwealth University; Lars-Erik Malmberg, University of Oxford
From Teachers to Students: Understanding Transmission Processes in Mathematics Classrooms - Charlott Rubach, University of California - Irvine; Anna-Lena Dicke, University of California, Irvine; Nayssan Safavian, University of California - Irvine; Stuart A. Karabenick, University of Michigan; Jacquelynne S. Eccles, University of California - Irvine
Growth Mind-Sets Predicting Science Achievement and Aspirations: A Mediation Pathway Through Expectancies and Values - Jessica Lauren Degol, Penn State Altoona; Ya Zhang, Western Michigan University; Ming-Te Wang, University of Pittsburgh; Julie Allerton
How Does STEM Faculty Members' Self-Determined Motivation Relate to Their Research Success? - Robert H. Stupnisky, University of North Dakota; Makinde Omojiba, University of North Dakota; Nathan C. Hall, McGill University; Vincent Lariviere, University of Montréal
Less Direct Than You Thought: Teachers Transmit Math Value to Students Through Their Cognitive Support - Anna-Lena Dicke, University of California, Irvine; Charlott Rubach, University of California - Irvine; Nayssan Safavian, University of California - Irvine; Stuart A. Karabenick, University of Michigan; Jacquelynne S. Eccles, University of California - Irvine
Relations of Science Teaching Self-Efficacy With Instructional Practices, Student Achievement and Support, and Teacher Satisfaction - Harsha Perera, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Alireza Maghsoudlou, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Chyna J Miller, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Peter McIlveen, University of Southern Queenlsand; Danette Dee Barber, Nevada State College; Rachel Part, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Ana Luisa Reyes, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Relative Importance of Students' Situated Expectancy and Task Values for Academic Success: A Commonality Analysis - Daria Katharina Benden, TU Dortmund University; Fani Lauermann, TU Dortmund University
The Dynamics of Self-Efficacy and Anxiety in Biology Courses: A Parallel Latent Growth Curve Model - Xing Huang, University of Florida; Matthew L. Bernacki, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; Wonjoon Hong, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
The Role of STEM Capital in the Development of STEM Self-Efficacy and STEM Identity - Kari L Roberts, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory; Roxanne M. Hughes, Florida State University; jennifer schellinger, The Florida State University
"This Mentor Shapes 'U'": Change of Preservice Teachers' Information and Communications Technology Self-Efficacy During a Teaching Practicum - Mathias Dehne, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Alexander Groeschner, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Susi Klass, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Using a Queer History App Increases Subjective Value to Learn About Minority History - Jason Matthew Harley, McGill University; Nigel Mantou Lou, University of Victoria; Byunghoon Tony Ahn, McGill University; Yang Liu, University of Alberta
What Changed High School Students' STEM Motivation? A Longitudinal Study of Mathematics and Science Motivations - Daijiazi Tang, University of Houston; Weihua Fan, University of Houston; Alpaslan Sahin, Harmony Public Schools
What Influences the Career Choice Motives of Future Teachers? A Person-Environment Fit Model for the Teaching Profession - Jonas Scharfenberg, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Ewald Kiel, Ludwig Maximilians University München; Sabine Weiß, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Meeri A Hellsten, Stockholm University