Paper Summary

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African American Teachers and Full-Service Community Schools: Improving Urban Education and African American Student Outcomes

Mon, April 12, 2:50 to 4:20pm EDT (2:50 to 4:20pm EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 7 Paper and Symposium Sessions


Full-service community schools (FSCSs) are a reform strategy that emphasizes expanded learning opportunities and student-centered pedagogy, partnerships with students’ families and communities, integrated social and health services and supports, and an inclusive, equity approach to school management and leadership -- features that align with the distinct values and attributes of African American teachers. To better understand this alignment, this article draws on survey, interview, and observation data of a highly effective African American teacher in an urban FSCS. The article addresses the following research questions: How do the focal teacher’s values and attributes align with the defining principles of FSCSs, and how has the FSC high school affected her professional growth and praxis? Implications of the study’s findings are discussed.
