Paper Summary

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Improving Critical Reading of Multiple Web Pages on Controversial Topics Through Eye Movement Modeling Examples

Fri, April 9, 10:40 to 11:40am EDT (10:40 to 11:40am EDT), Division C, Division C - Section 1a: Literacy Poster Sessions


This study used eye movement modeling examples (EMME) to extend current research on interventions that promote critical reading of multiple webpages on conflicting topics. Sixty-three undergraduates were randomly assigned to EMME or no-EMME conditions to investigate whether (1) those who observed a model’s eye movements while reading the Internet show greater sourcing process in their own reading, as revealed by eye-fixation data and (2) improve their comprehension of information. EMME videos modeled the various steps of the sourcing process in a critical reading task. Findings reveal that modeled participants increased their attention to the search engine results page and author information, and decreased attention to texts on untrustworthy pages. In the EMME condition more participants cited document sources in post-test essays.
