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Incorporating Language Scaffolds and Virtual Reality in a Game-Based Science Learning Curriculum

Sun, April 11, 10:40 to 11:40am EDT (10:40 to 11:40am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Instructional Technology Poster Sessions


Game-based learning (GBL) has shown to be an effective factor in increasing student’s achievement. While GBL has been investigated, few studies exist using immersive virtual reality (VR) headsets in conjunction with GBL, particularly in middle school science. Previous research has found students often struggle in overcoming language barriers. This study embedded language scaffolding in the GBL game to improve middle schooler’s science learning. The GBL was administered on two different modes, immersive VR headsets and a desktop VR version. Results of the study showed students increased their overall scores in targeted science knowledge at a significant level. Students of lower ability and used the VR headset reported a significantly higher learning gain as compared to students using the desktop VR.
