Paper Summary

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Examining the Field of Institutional Research: Toward More Equitable Practices

Sun, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm EDT (2:30 to 4:00pm EDT), Division J, Division J - Section 2c Paper and Symposium Sessions


As equity is prioritized in higher education, institutional research (IR) offices become critical units to identify and address student inequities. We conducted a discursive analysis of mission statements describing the function and purpose of IR offices across California’s Community Colleges. Results revealed a limited discourse around race and equity. None of the statements in our sample included the word race or any words stemming from it such as racism or racial disparity. The majority (89%) of statements omitted equity from their purpose, failing to describe how IR can serve to improve equitable outcomes. Our work prompts the field of IR to be more race-conscious and equity-minded in the ways they articulate their role and function in higher education.
