Paper Summary

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Feedback in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis

Thu, April 8, 4:00 to 5:00pm EDT (4:00 to 5:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Design and Technology Poster Sessions


Feedback is a well-known advantage for language learning (LL). Primary studies on feedback in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) demonstrates that feedback has a significant effect on LL. Previous reviews (e.g., Kang & Han 2015) provided important insights on LL. However, these reviews showed that there has never been a meta-analysis synthesizing the effectiveness of feedback in CALL studies and the moderators moderating the effect of feedback in CALL. By establishing rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria, the investigator located 21 primary studies. The findings indicated that feedback in CALL has a significant medium effect size on student LL (g = 0.56). The study concluded that feedback in CALL is a promising for LL and provided implications for teachers and future research.
