Paper Summary

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The Heterotopia of Teaching and Learning: Boundaries Between (School) Space and Physicality

Mon, April 12, 9:30 to 11:00am EDT (9:30 to 11:00am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Foucault and Contemporary Theory in Education Paper and Symposium Sessions


According to Foucault (1967/1993), heterotopias are spaces, real places of localized utopia in which all other spaces of a culture are simultaneously represented, denied or reversed. This perspective is related to the spaces of education, more precisely to the school space. On the basis of examples from anthropology and space research in educational science, we will clarify how space and body become visible between ideal (school) culture and real (school) non-culture.
The shared context of observation is the figure of thought of the school as heterotopia, based on Foucault.
