Paper Summary

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Can Teachers' Perception of (Needs of) High-Ability Students Change Throughout Multiple Lesson Studies?

Thu, April 8, 2:00 to 3:00pm EDT (2:00 to 3:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Lesson Study Poster Sessions


The way teachers perceive and identify students as high-ability students is crucial for adapting their teaching approach. Quantitative research suggests that teachers’ judgments are not always accurate in this regard. This study aims to study teachers’ perception of high-ability students and their needs. Also we will give insight into how this perception changes throughout multiple Lesson Studies. Lesson Study is a method for professional development which is founded in classroom and research-based practice. Based on in-depth interviews with thirteen participating teachers from six schools, we were able to map teachers’ views on high-ability students. Preliminary results suggest that throughout the Lesson Study trajectory, teachers were able to formulate a more accurate opinion on (needs of) high-ability students.
