Paper Summary

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STEMSS Strategies K–12 Teacher Professional Development to Instruct Linguistically Diverse Student Populations

Sun, April 11, 12:20 to 1:20pm EDT (12:20 to 1:20pm EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 7 Roundtable Sessions


The science, technology, engineering, math, and social studies (STEMSS) integrated curriculum project designed a week-long professional development (PD) that infused academic vocabulary strategies to educate, support, and empower teachers of English learners (ELs) teach content and language in tandem. Through prior research with a National Geographic grant and U.S. Department of Education grant, a need for highly qualified teachers who have access and knowledge in how to teach integrated content while supporting ELs’ language acquisition was crucial. The teachers involved participated in the STEMSS PD and then developed a lesson that integrated geography into their content lesson plan for diverse learners. The PD effectiveness, strategy implementation, and content knowledge development were documented and analyzed through research to inform this study.
