Paper Summary

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Addressing Inequitable Civic Learning Opportunities: Student Participation in an Inclusive School Participatory Budgeting Process

Fri, April 9, 10:40am to 12:10pm EDT (10:40am to 12:10pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Disability Studies in Education Paper and Symposium Sessions


The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of high school students, specifically students with disabilities, during an Inclusive School Participatory Budgeting (ISPB) process. Drawing on social cultural theory, participatory democracy, disability inquiry, and a civic education framework, the study utilizes a mixed methods approach in a phenomenological case study. Data includes field note observations, document analysis, surveys, and interviews with students and staff from two schools in Tucson, AZ. Anticipated findings suggest that an ISPB model creates a space for students with and without disabilities to advocate through collective voice, increase civic and leadership skills, and build relationships. Outcomes will yield strategies in providing equitable civic learning opportunities and assessing inclusionary civic engagement practices used in ISPB.
