Paper Summary

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Queering Black Education: A Framework for Analysis and Praxis in Black Education

Thu, April 8, 2:00 to 3:00pm EDT (2:00 to 3:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Research Focus on Black Education Roundtable Sessions


Black educational contexts can operate on normative conceptions of Blackness underpinned by normative ideologies of gender, sexuality, class and race. These normative notions of Blackness can shape Black educational praxis (e.g. instruction, relationship practices, policies, etc.) and compromise Black students’ ability to experience relationality and belongingness within Black educational contexts. In this paper, I position Black Queer Theory as an analytical framework to understand normative notions of Blackness that ground Black educational contexts, and to inform the creation of liberating Black educational and political praxis and context such that all Black students, no matter their classed, gendered, sexualized and raced social locations and performances within Blackness, experience relationality and belongingness within Black educational spaces.
