Paper Summary

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"Figuring Your Own Worlds": Exploring Creativity-Specific Collaborative Factors

Sun, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm EDT (2:30 to 4:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice Paper and Symposium Sessions


The increased discourse about the benefits of creative and collaborative skills asks for understanding the factors affecting collaborative creativity and imagination in educational settings. Although substantial research has investigated commonly known collaborative factors, more research is needed to understand the specific factors that affect students’ collaboration when they are engaged in group-level creativity projects. To this end, this study used 20h videos, field notes, interviews, and artifacts from 6th grade students attending a STEAM+L course. The data was analyzed with grounded theory approaches. Results point to two clusters of collaborative factors and highlight six creative-specific collaborative factors: conflicts between personal and shared loops of imagination, the trigger effect, reasoning, the unpredictability effect, the kinesthetic effect, and the use of props.
