Paper Summary

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Exploring Preservice Teacher Perceptions of Stress, Well-Being, and Resilience

Fri, April 9, 4:10 to 5:40pm EDT (4:10 to 5:40pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Stress, Coping, and Resilience Business Meeting


This paper presents the results of a survey distributed to all students in a pre-service teacher education program in one Canadian university. The purpose of this study was to develop baseline descriptors for patterns of resilience and well-being among pre-service teachers. Healthy teachers will promote the development of healthy classrooms. The survey consisted of 22 questions across seven sections and incorporated questions from validated survey protocols. The 208 participants described supports, initiatives and programs that students found to be most effective, including personal supports such as family, friends, classmates and significant others, academic supports such as professors, peer mentors, and academic advisors, and program supports such as the Student Wellness Centre, learning communities, and academic skills development programs.
