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Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of New Literacies Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Fri, April 9, 10:40 to 11:40am EDT (10:40 to 11:40am EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 5 Poster Sessions


There are ongoing doubts of the effectiveness of teacher preparation in successfully linking theory to teaching practice. A social constructivist approach is needed to bridge theory and practice by focusing on integrating pedagogical content knowledge with New Literacies in the teacher education program that prepares teachers to meet students’ needs in multiliterate environments. The purpose of this study was to assess the pedagogical content knowledge of new literacies (PCKNL) of 251 preservice teachers, using the PCKNL Survey. Findings showed difference between latent score variance of preservice teachers’ knowledge and their use of the modes of New Literacies. Future studies could use a longitudinal design and include observations of preservice teachers’ practices in conjunction with their self-reporting.
