Paper Summary

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Role-Play Simulations for Exploring Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Teachers: Toward Developing a Code of Ethics

Mon, April 12, 9:30 to 10:30am EDT (9:30 to 10:30am EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 3 Roundtable Sessions


This study aims to develop a 'code of ethics' for teachers derived from team-based simulations (TBS) based on real-life scenarios of teachers' organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). The study participants include 40 teachers enrolled at one of the largest universities in Israel. The process consists of taking ethical dilemmas experienced by participants in their educational work, role-playing them, and investigating the role-playing scenarios that engage in these ethical dilemmas. The study points to five main dimensions: student-teacher relationship, parent-teacher relationship, teaching staff relationship, school procedures, and teaching as a profession. Developing an ethical code constructed by educational teams using a 'bottom-up' method is likely to help teachers in their future ethical decision-making.
