Paper Summary

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What Influences Student Situational Engagement in Smart Classrooms? Perception of Learning Environment and Students' Motivation

Sun, April 11, 4:10 to 5:40pm EDT (4:10 to 5:40pm EDT), Division C, Division C - Section 3a: Learning Environments Paper and Symposium Sessions


Through experience sampling data collection with 105 students in the smart classroom environment, this study investigated the relationship among situational engagement, motivation, and perception of the learning environment. Hierarchical linear modeling showed that students’ perception and situational engagement fluctuated over time and across smart classroom contexts. The results showed that environmental perception and students’ motivation factors have different effects on situational engagement. Specifically, perceptions of social support, autonomous motivation, and controlled motivation have a significant impact on behavior engagement; perceptions of social support, perceptions of technology support, autonomous motivation, and controlled motivation have a significant impact on shallow cognitive engagement; perceptions of teacher support, perceptions of social support, self-efficacy, autonomous motivation significantly predict deep cognitive engagement and emotional engagement.
