Paper Summary

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An Exploration of Two Exemplary Secondary Schools Committed to Social Justice in British Columbia

Fri, April 9, 4:10 to 5:40pm EDT (4:10 to 5:40pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Leadership for Social Justice Paper and Symposium Sessions


This research explores social justice initiatives at two secondary schools in British Columbia, Canada, one in an urban location and one in a rural location, that self-identify as advocating and promoting social justice values and goals. The research aims at examining who is conducting such initiatives, how are these initiatives sustained, and what are the benefits, challenges and possibilities of such initiatives in the schools. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in each school with administrators, teachers, and staff members. Findings reveal that the school context—whether urban or rural—and the school student body demography significantly impact how social justice is understood, what social justice initiatives entail, and the content and target audiences of initiatives.
