Paper Summary

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Establishing a Third Space: Toward Coherence in a Clinically Rich Teacher Education Program

Sat, April 10, 4:10 to 5:40pm EDT (4:10 to 5:40pm EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 6 Paper and Symposium Sessions


This documentary account describes an innovative model of clinically-rich teacher education committed to coherence between two critical contexts in teacher education: the university and P-12 classroom. Specifically, we describe a set of structural changes to our clinical placements, moving from traditional student teaching to a team model of mentoring composed of school-based teacher educators, university-based teacher educators, and preservice teachers. This innovation includes rich opportunities for joint work, establishing a third space, where co-built, coherent learning goals target our candidates’ development of equitable teaching practices. We describe core programmatic changes within this vision (e.g., mentor teams, joint professional learning, an advisory team, and coaching clinics) around central principles of our program: high leverage practices, and justice-oriented teaching practice.
