Paper Summary

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Retaking Introductory Chemistry With a New Course Structure: Narratives From Underrepresented Female Chemistry Students

Thu, April 8, 12:00 to 1:00pm EDT (12:00 to 1:00pm EDT), Division C, Division C - Section 1d: Science Poster Sessions


Chemistry education studies comparing conventional approaches versus inquiry– based approaches generally show similar or better student outcomes across various metrics for inquiry-based approaches. However, a unique challenge in qualitatively comparing such approaches from a student perspective is that students typically only experience one approach. This paper involves an analysis of unique interviews, from a broader research study, of three female students that failed the conventional laboratory and then repeated the course in a later semester with a new guided inquiry structure. Using thematic analysis, this serendipitous study identifies three themes impacting these students’ performance in the conventional and inquiry approaches – sense of community, relevancy of material, and ownership of work. These themes suggest further research and important course design considerations.
