Paper Summary

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How Emotion Regulation and Self-Regulated Learning Contribute to Self-Efficacy

Mon, April 12, 9:30 to 11:00am EDT (9:30 to 11:00am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Stress, Coping, and Resilience Paper and Symposium Sessions


Self-efficacy is regarded as an important factor for young people to handle new challenges in the transition period to college (Schwarzer & Jerusalem 1995). Understanding skills that enhance the development of self-efficacy thus has implications on predicting successful school adjustment. Past studies have shown that learning skills associate with self-efficacy, but fewer studies simultaneously investigate the role of emotion regulation, as the latter is a crucial ability in building social relationships. The current study draws from a sample of 529 college students in Taiwan to understand how self-regulated learning and emotion regulation relate to self-efficacy. Structural equation modeling results show that emotion regulation and self-regulated learning independently associate with self-efficacy. We discuss implications for education theory and practice.
