Paper Summary

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Professional Development for Effective Family Engagement

Sun, April 11, 10:40am to 12:10pm EDT (10:40am to 12:10pm EDT), Division A, Division A - Section 1 Paper and Symposium Sessions


As the benefits of effective Family Engagement are becoming more widely appreciated, it has become expedient that educators need effective professional development to practice effective family engagement. The data for this study comes from the participants and events in TeleNGAGE. TeleNGAGE, one of the four project ECHO lines of Oklahoma State University, operates on the Mantra “all teach, all learn” (Butler, & Fraser, 2019). Preliminary findings suggest enhanced efficacy for TeleNGAGE as a professional development model that meets the assumptions described in Knowles’ (1968) Adult Learning Theory (ADL). This study tests “Adult Learning Theory”. It investigates how the effectiveness of family engagement is influenced by the professional development framed with Adult Learning Theory.
