Paper Summary

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How Does STEM Faculty Members' Self-Determined Motivation Relate to Their Research Success?

Sun, April 11, 12:20 to 1:20pm EDT (12:20 to 1:20pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Motivation in Education Poster Sessions


In what ways are university faculty members motivated to conduct research, and how does motivation affect their success? The current study tested the extent to which several types of self-determined motivation served as predictors of research productivity in an analysis of 651 faculty from 10 USA institutions. Using structural equation modeling, we found autonomous motivation (enjoyment, value) positively related to self-reported research productivity. The basic needs of autonomy and competence predicted autonomous motivation, which was the strongest predictor of success. Introjected (guilt) motivation had a small negative relationship with research success. Also, the role of several demographic, social-environmental, and additional outcomes had small but consistent relationships with motivation and success. The results contribute to the faculty development and motivation literatures.
