Paper Summary

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Elementary Mathematics Teacher Identity: Perceptions and Tensions

Sat, April 10, 4:10 to 5:10pm EDT (4:10 to 5:10pm EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 3 Roundtable Sessions


This study explores elementary teachers’ mathematics identity and identity tensions by employing narrative-defined identity (first-, second- and third-person identity) and an adapted model of mathematics identity (recognition, competence and performance). Several accounts of narratives from three elementary teachers and the coach analyzed – narratives from 2-hour long semi structured interviews and post-coaching conversations in addition to our analysis of teachers’ quality of mathematics instruction. We found both alignments and misalignments among different person narratives. While alignment is desired for identity coherence and development, the misalignments among different person narratives and the domains of selves created tensions. But these tensions provided a potential motivation for improvement for the teacher we present in this proposal. Further findings and implications will be shared.
