Paper Summary

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Applying a Multidimensional Item Response Theory Approach in Validating the Dimensionality of the Positive Youth Development Scale

Fri, April 9, 12:20 to 1:20pm EDT (12:20 to 1:20pm EDT), Division D, Division D - Section 1 Poster Sessions


Positive youth development acts as a protective factor for several risk behaviors and other important life outcomes for adolescents and young adults. The main objective of this study was to explore the factorial structure of the Positive Youth Development Scale (PYDS) and examine the psychometric quality of the PYDS items using Multidimensional Item Response Theory. Three different models were examined: a unidimensional model, a multidimensional model with six distinct dimensions, and a multidimensional bifactor model, were each item was restricted to load simultaneously on a global positive development factor as well as on a domain-specific factor. The results indicated that the bifactor model provided a better fit, and the study concludes with the advantages of MIRT models in dimensionality assessment.
