Paper Summary

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"It's All the Senses": Preschool Teachers' Theories of Embodied Learning During Drama-Infused Story Time

Thu, April 8, 3:00 to 4:00pm EDT (3:00 to 4:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Advanced Technologies for Learning Roundtable Sessions


This paper examines 22 preschool teachers’ theory-building about drama-infused literacy as an embodied experience. The teachers were participants in a year-long professional development on enhancing storybook reading with drama techniques. Using data from mid- and end-of-year focus groups, we explore: 1) teachers’ reflections on children’s learning outcomes from drama-infused story time; and 2) teachers’ theory-building around why drama supports such learning. Teachers expressed four predominant child-level outcomes: inclusion of former non-participators, deeper engagement by all students, increased recall and engagement with stories and vocabulary after storytime , and increased empathy for others. Yet, for all outcomes, teachers’ theories about why were all the same: embodied participation. We discuss teachers’ emerging understanding of learning and comprehension as active, embodied, and multi-sensorial.
