Paper Summary

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Do High-Impact Practices Work for College Success? Mixed-Methods Research on Academic and Sociocultural Learning Inequalities

Fri, April 9, 12:20 to 1:20pm EDT (12:20 to 1:20pm EDT), Division J, Division J - Section 2b Roundtable Sessions


This mixed-methods study is based on high-impact practices model for improving undergraduate education through integrated curricular and co/extra-curricular learning opportunities. Tracing the impact of 4-year college students’ experiences on degree completion, career and graduate/professional school transition, this study explores academic and sociocultural engagement, study abroad, foreign language, co-op/internship, student teaching, advanced math and writing courses, research, and volunteer activities. Quantitative analysis of the Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS) data shows the inequalities of HIPs among student groups, while HIPs improve the chances of college success across the board. Qualitative analysis of interview cases and program reviews offer additional insights into the questions of why, how and for whom HIPs work and what are best practices to improve equity.
