Paper Summary

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Troublemaking as Responsible Action: Building a Freedom Dreaming Institute

Fri, April 9, 9:30 to 10:30am EDT (9:30 to 10:30am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice Roundtable Sessions


How does one mitigate against inequalities that afflict society? One way is by building resilience in the community especially among those bearing the brunt of such affliction. Thus, this panel argues that one form of concrete action that can issue from accepting greater responsibility for social problems is to build critical consciousness through establishing synergistic cross-institutional school-based collaborations. One such collaborative, local-knowledge making initiative between high school students, general and special education teachers, guidance counselors, education faculty, and dis/ability liberation activists is the ‘Troublemakers’ project. Informed by Shalaby’s (2017) work on teaching love and learning freedom, this student-led alliance promotes intersectional perspectives on dis/ability by confronting how gendered and racialized labels of motivation, intelligence, and behavior are assigned in schools.
