Paper Summary

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Using Learning Progression–Based Assessments: A Systematic Review of the Last Decade of Research

Mon, April 12, 4:30 to 5:30pm EDT (4:30 to 5:30pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Cognition and Assessment Roundtable Sessions


This systematic review examined scientific evidence of the utility of learning progression-based assessments and practices to inform teaching and student learning in classroom contexts. LP-based assessments were theorized as boundary objects. Fifty-three studies met inclusion criteria and were analyzed against five research questions. Evidence highlighted their potential for supporting teacher judgements, maintaining focus on key aspects of learning, informing instructional decisions, and improving teacher learning and development. While 21 studies measured student achievement, reporting positive overall effects, only six adopted the experimental designs needed to make causal claims. Teacher professional development appears necessary to support implementation, with ongoing challenges related to alignment, the imperfect nature of progressions, and inconsistent student responding and reasoning.
