Paper Summary

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Which Schools Disproportionately Refer and Arrest Nonwhite Students?

Sun, April 11, 10:40am to 12:10pm EDT (10:40am to 12:10pm EDT), Division L, Division L - Section 8 Paper and Symposium Sessions


The School-to-Prison Pipeline disproportionately affects Black and Latinx students. This exploratory study analyzed the Civil Rights Data Collection, focusing on schools whose racial composition and non-zero criminal justice referral or arrest rates allow appropriate study of racial disproportionality. Previous analyses produced biased results by failing to restrict attention to such schools. We also found that a very small percentage of schools had unusually high referral or arrest rates; these outliers warrant further investigation. Blacks had by far the highest referral and arrest rates, followed by Latinx and then White students. A higher percentage of low income or nonwhite students reduced racial disproportionality in referrals and arrests, while the presence of a police officer is not related to disproportionality.
