Paper Summary

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Emotions in Educational Trajectories: Formation, Effects, and Interdependencies

Thu, April 8, 5:00 to 6:00pm EDT (5:00 to 6:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Adolescence and Youth Development Poster Sessions


The present study investigates the relevance of emotions and emotional evaluations for educational trajectories and educational carrier choices with particular consideration of the subjective perspective of students at the transition point from school to university. The research design of the study is oriented towards the idea of the fully integrated mixed-methods design, taking into account different sources of data examined by qualitative and quantitative methods. The results not only delineate the significance of emotions for educational career choices and educational trajectories. Moreover, they signify those representations, mental images and ambitions that primarily guide students in their educational careers and identify the essential factors of influence for the constitution of those mental images in students' learning and life history.
