Paper Summary

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Identifying Discourses About Gifted English Learners for Equitable Identification

Mon, April 12, 11:10am to 12:40pm EDT (11:10am to 12:40pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Research on Giftedness, Creativity and Talent Paper and Symposium Sessions


With English Learners (ELs) being the fastest growing population of learners in the United States, it is of concern that EL representation in gifted education continues to lag behind other populations of learners. Therefore, underidentification of gifted ELs constitutes a problem. One state that has identified commensurate numbers of gifted ELs is Colorado. Colorado’s gifted definition, regulations, and guidelines to address ELs in district program plans provided an opportunity to examine how the authors represented gifted ELs in official documents. Critical Discourse Analysis of these documents revealed four identity-forming discourses of gifted ELs of gifted ELs as an underrepresented population of culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse learners who benefit from targeted identification enacted through stakeholder interactions and accountability.
