Paper Summary

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Oh, the Places We'll Go! Empowering Low-Income Preschool Families Through a Program for City Adventures

Mon, April 12, 4:30 to 5:30pm EDT (4:30 to 5:30pm EDT), Division C, Division C - Section 3a: Learning Environments Roundtable Sessions


This qualitative study examined parents' perceptions about the features and the influence of a summer family learning program designed to decrease inequities in children's learning opportunities prior to school entry. The program provided families with guidance and activities related to visiting cultural institutions (museums, zoos, libraries) and talking with children before, during, and after the visits. Promoted strategies included reminiscing, decontextualized talk, and other tips for developing islands of expertise. Focus groups and interviews were conducted with parents to gain insight on parents' perceptions of their experiences, including the program's influence on their child's cognitive growth and parents' skills in supporting their child's development. Parents reported enhanced efficacy in supporting their children's language and literacy growth.
