Paper Summary

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Mastery Teachers: How to Build Success for All Students in Today's Classrooms

Sat, April 10, 10:40am to 12:10pm EDT (10:40am to 12:10pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Classroom Management Paper and Symposium Sessions


The purpose of this mixed methods research study was to explore the efficacy of master teachers and their approach to effectively managing classrooms to support the needs of each student. Today’s classrooms require effective and confident teachers who motivate students to explore and develop their individual talents in ways which support cultural differences and celebrate what each child brings to the classroom. Classroom management is the process by which a teacher creates and maintains a particular behavior from his or her students. Our findings suggest, master teachers are confident in their knowledge and skills building positive and supportive relationships with their students supporting their social and emotional needs while creating classrooms with relevant and meaningful learning experiences.
