Paper Summary

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Organization-Focused Change Networks: Key Origin Factors Affecting Development and Impact

Fri, April 9, 10:40am to 12:10pm EDT (10:40am to 12:10pm EDT), Division J, Division J - Section 3 Paper and Symposium Sessions


An important strategy for advancing organizational change in educational organizations is the use of networks of institutions with similar goals (called Organization-focused Change Networks or OCNs). Understanding how OCNs develop, function, and advance transformational goals provides change agents with guidance in establishing and leading such networks. This study explores the contextual factors that create fertile ground for OCNs to develop as well as ways that the origins of a network impact its future development and viability. In this National Science Foundation-funded study, data come from documents, interviews, focus groups, and participant observations pertaining to six networks focused on encouraging the use of evidence-based teaching and learning processes in undergraduate STEM higher education (strategies known to increase equity in educational success).
